22 Statistics That Prove the Value of Personal Branding.

We live in a world where your online reputation can be your strongest asset or your biggest liability. A world where sales and marketing are better executed by employees with strong personal brands than by the brands themselves. A world where companies hire not based on resumes and cover letters, but on information they find online.

Today, it has never been easier to grow a massive following and become a celebrity in your industry.

Personal branding is becoming less of a competitive edge and more of a requirement for anyone looking to grow their business; get that dream job; or take their career to the next level.

Here are 22 essential statistics, which prove the overwhelming value of personal branding.

The power of employees' personal brands.

The bottom line is that we trust people more than we trust brands, and we engage with people more than we engage with brands. If you don’t get your employees involved on social, you’re absolutely losing out to companies that do.

Personal branding helps sales and marketing.

If you’re looking to grow your pipeline and get more attention for your offerings, then you’ll want to invest in personal branding initiatives. Train your sales and marketing teams to use the free tools at their disposal, such as social media, blogging, videos and webinars. People have so much going on these days that if you don’t make an effort to stand out, you risk getting left behind.

The power of social media in recruiting.

This one is pretty much a no-brainer. Imagine if you’re a hiring department - all else being equal -- wouldn’t you rather hire someone with an impressive digital presence over someone with no presence at all?

Successful companies want stand-out employees, and one way to gauge that is by your online reputation.

Personal branding for online reputation management.

Reputation has always been a big deal for companies, but now we have to contend with it both offline and online. With reputation damage as the No. 1 risk companies face today, it’s no wonder executives are preventatively investing in online reputation management as an insurance measure.

Growing your business with personal branding.

Even when consumers have a referral, they start their buying process online. What kind of first impression do you want to make? A terrific online presence lends credibility and gets customers excited while a bad or irrelevant online presence turns customers away.

And despite all of this...

Of the 75 percent of U.S. adults, who Google themselves, nearly half say the results aren’t positive.

If you don’t like the way you look online, there’s plenty you can do about it. If you’re serious about improving your personal brand and need a gentle kick in the pants, hop on my 28 Day Online Reputation Management Challenge. I’ll walk you through your first month, step-by-step, so you can build the foundation necessary to get your dream job; develop your career; and grow your business. The choice is yours.

Visit www.rapidezwriter.com for more advice. Also check our expert services.

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