Why Meditation Works Wonders for Better Workplace Productivity.

Traditionally, the worlds of spirituality and business have always been considered mutually exclusive, with little to no connection with each other. However, today, with corporate wellness and employee productivity have become popular buzzwords in the industry, the scenario has changed entirely. Employees today spend almost one-third of their lives at work, and as a result, maintaining health and wellness at the workplace has become extremely important. Meditation is one such wellness practice that not only offers immense spiritual benefits, but is incredibly helpful for maintaining physical and emotional health, as well. Furthermore, it is a comprehensive wellness procedure that can easily be integrated into one’s work day, and practiced regularly.

Benefits of meditation at the workplace

Meditation has been proven to not only help enhance work satisfaction, but also enhance productivity and general happiness. With a host of far-reaching benefits, it can effectively aid an employee in achieving the maximum results at the workplace, both on an individual and an organisational level.

Simple Meditation Practices for Work 

Meditation is a simple technique of sitting comfortably, and centring one’s mind, as soon as one reaches work. It is a clear technique of focusing on the moment, and the task in hand. However, it is certainly difficult to always find time to practice meditation, at work. Yet, there are a few simple techniques that one can use, not only to calm down, but also to increase focus and productivity. The versatility of the practice of meditation makes it possible to be practiced in multiple ways, simply by taking a short pause from the everyday life. Here are a few ways employees can inculcate meditation into the workday.

Music Meditation: Music meditation is an exceptional collective or individual exercise that can be practiced in the office. When performed together, it offers a collective calmness that reverberates across the workplace. However, it can even be practiced for short spans throughout the day individually, to help manage stress and improve focus.

Counting breaths: A simple 5 minutes of meditation with deep breathing, while counting the breaths, can help ease the mind for the entire day. This simply requires the employee to sit down comfortably, and breathe in and out, making this one of the easiest ways to de-stress and meditate at ease.

Work Desk meditation with nature: Nature has an amazing way of healing the mind and soul. The presence of plants, Feng Shui totems, or Chinese Evergreens, at one’s work desk, helps a person remain calm and at peace, constantly. The aura that these objects cast has a further rejuvenating effect, especially when combined with meditation.

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