9 Top Tips on Writing a Resume

9 Top Resume Writing Tips and Tricks

1. Customize your resume

It takes a little extra effort but a resume that is tailored to a specific job opportunity and employer is a great deal more effective than a general resume.

Start by customizing your resume objective to the job you are applying for, then go on to customize your profile and job history information to the target job.

2. Include a targeted and persuasive objective statement

Convince the reader immediately that you are able to successfully perform the job. At the start of your resume write a strong objective or profile statement that summarizes your key skills and strengths as they relate to the target job.

Demonstrate straight away the value you can bring to the prospective employer. Top tips on writing a resume suggest that customizing your profile to the job you are applying for is key to a successful resume. When you write your profile keep in mind the question "What makes me the best candidate for this job?" and answer it clearly and convincingly.

The tips and sample objectives at objectives for resumes and the resume objective examples at free resume samples will provide you with a practical guide to developing your own compelling summary.

3. Identify your strengths

Tips on writing a resume include to highlight your strongest skills and abilities as they relate to the target job. Know what your strengths are and make sure you focus on those relevant to the job opportunity. Get help with identifying your key competencies with this guide to What are your strengths?

The list of strengths will provide you with a clear understanding of how the strength or competency presents in the workplace.

4. Put your work experience in reverse chronological order

Your most recent work experience is probably the most relevant. It is usually advisable to only include the last 10 - 15 years of work history. You can summarize earlier work history with a brief description of your achievements during that time.

Prioritize the information provided for each position starting with the most relevant and important details in relation to the job you are applying for.

5. Use the right keywords

This is what gets your resume noticed. The right keywords will ensure that your resume gets read and receives serious consideration. Keywords for a resume are specific to each job opportunity and each employer.

Go to resume keywords to find out how to identify the right keywords to use in your resume and to get a list of sample keywords for different careers and job types.

6. Use good resume action words

Highlight your skills and experience by using powerful action words. Resume verbs such as analyzed, controlled, developed, supervised and negotiated provide a clear and convincing picture of your expertise and experience.

Go to resume action words for a comprehensive list of persuasive resume action words for different job categories.

7. Quantify your job performance

Give numbers to your skills, strengths, achievements and experience. Include profits, budgets, number of employees supervised, sales made, clients managed.


Be specific about your accomplishments. Actual facts and figures are more convincing than a generic description of your work tasks and performance. Provide concrete evidence of your skills and abilities to a prospective employer.

8. Put experience before education

This is to highlight your skills and abilities in direct relation to the target job. An exception would be if you are a recent graduate.

Education should be listed in reverse order with degrees and licenses first and certificates and training following. Be selective about the training you include by making sure it is relevant to the target position.

9. Eliminate irrelevant details


Your resume should accurately reflect the work experience and skills you have that match the job requirements. Everything you include in your resume must reinforce the fact that you are a suitable job candidate.

Look carefully at the job description and candidate profile and ensure that you focus on the knowledge, skills and experience that meet the job requirements.


You can get help with understanding the job at free job descriptions. Expert tips on writing a resume suggest a resume should be no longer than 2 pages.

Visit www.rapidezwriter.com for more advice. Also check our expert services.

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