What Employers Want To See In Your Resume And Most People Aren’t Doing It

Resume Writing is never easy. You must understand how to craft your resume to quickly grab an employer’s attention in 20 seconds or less. Most people make this critical mistake. They write long, drawn-out job descriptions. This revelation came as a surprise to several of the Baby Boomers in my resume writing class. Jeff spoke up to say, “I’m frustrated. I spend a lot of time going through the employer’s job opening post and make sure I write all about my work to meet everything they ask for. Then, I don’t get an interview. I must be doing something wrong, but what is it?” Wise question. It is not long descriptive work histories employers want to see.

Let’s assume you use the right format and style so your resume can get through the Applicant Tracking System. (For more guidance on this.

It’s your accomplishments, your work results, and outcomes that employers want to hear about. Start thinking about how you created something new and what the impact was. Maybe you did something that saved money or saved time. You added a process or system that improved productivity. These are a few of the types of outcomes hiring managers and recruiters want to know about and see on your resume.

Visit www.rapidezwriter.com for more advice. Also check our expert services.

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