4 ways to pump up your LinkedIn profile

Wondering why no one seems to be visiting your LinkedIn profile lately?

Here are some advanced tips from pros on improving your visibility on the professional-networking site, whether for a new job or new connections.

Play with your profile. 

LinkedIn’s algorithm will boost your visibility in search results if you tweak your title or other elements. That’s because it rewards those who display fresh content, 

For example, content-marketing specialists could tinker with their headline, trying “Digital Marketer” one week, “SEO Expert” the next week, then switching it to “Digital marketer focused on SEO for B2B marketing.”

To find useful terms, read descriptions for your dream job, Matta suggests. Copy and paste the skills or requirements sections into a word-cloud generator (such as wordclouds.com) to find commonly used keywords. Use those terms in your summary section, headline and job experience, so you’ll pop up in searches and get matched to relevant jobs.

Update your page once a week if you’re currently seeking work; once a month or once a quarter if you’re networking, she says.

Important elements to update: headline, current position, photo and summary, and at least one relevant aspect of your job history. After that, tinker with the skills, referrals and groups sections.

Optimize with tech. 

“Your LinkedIn profile is not as in-depth as your résumé.“It should be a professional ‘tease’ for employers, recruiters and hiring managers, so they can quickly assess and understand your key competencies and transferable skills.”

To optimize that tease, she recommends the site Jobscan. The website scans your LinkedIn profile to determine if and where it needs a tuneup, then suggests tweaks for improvement. Membership is available through the site, although individuals can also access résumé and LinkedIn profile scans when working with a WorkSource counselor.

Post articles. 

Share stories or papers that you’ve written yourself, or professional and relevant content related to your industry. Those who give talks or participate in panel discussion can share high-quality video of themselves or link to full videos. Doing so can promote your “brand” within the industry, solidifying you as someone in touch with current discussions and debates.

However, “more is not necessarily better,” Matta warns — it’s all about quality. Opt for relevant news from a reputable source. Consider writing an article on the LinkedIn platform, but only post it after a trusted colleague has reviewed it for typos and to ensure that it’s well-written.

Whether you post someone else’s piece or your own, your target audience is a little higher than your current position, Matta notes. For example, if you’re working in cybersecurity, your target audience is other cybersecurity leaders or information-services managers.

Aim high. 

Tailor your messaging for your next desired job using keywords and skills from that job description. “It’s the same principal as dressing for the job you want, not the one you have,” Matta says.

For example, if you have five years of experience as a marketer, but you’ve recently gained skills in SEO or digital strategy, add those skills, or share a story where you’ve recently used the skills.

This works well if you’re hoping to advance or shift your career. “You know you’re capable, but you don’t have the work history yet,” Matta says. Otherwise, recruiters may contact you for lateral roles you’re ready to move beyond.

Visit www.rapidezwriter.com for more advice. Also check our expert services.

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