7 Best Tips to Prepare for Online Job Interviews

For the past few years, Online Interviews have seen tremendous popularity Online Job Interviews can be considered as the new normal in the recruitment world. Indeed, various leading employers like GoogleMicrosoftAmazon, etc. are using online job interviews for their recruitment process. Moreover, Online Interview seems to be quite comfortable for job seekers as they can attend the interview right from their home or any other preferred place. However, there are few challenges also that come up with Online Interviews but if you prepare well and follow the right approaches then you’ll get the desired results.

Statistically, more than half of the companies are using Online Interviews as a part of their recruitment process. Meanwhile, Online Interviews are more convenient and cost-effective in comparison to traditional in-person interviews as it saves a lot of time, reduces the expenses involved in the interview process, removes geographical barriers, etc for both – the candidates and the employers. Now the question arises – How can you prepare for the Online Job Interviews? Here, in this article, we’ll let you know about 7 best tips that will help you to prepare and excel in your online interviews.

1. Get Familiar With Technology

This is the first and foremost thing you need to do while preparing for an Online Interview – to get familiar with the required technology and equipment for Online Interviews. It will make you feel comfortable with the tech resources during the online interview. Moreover, nothing can be worst than that if you find out that your system or other resources aren’t functioning right during the online interview, hence you must ensure that your Computer SystemInternet Connection, etc, are working properly and compatible with the software that’ll be used for the online interview. Meanwhile, you’re also recommended to create a distraction-free environment for the interview with appropriate lighting, etc.


2. Practice Beforehand & Be Prepared

Once you’ll get done with the knowing and testing of the system, software, or other tech resources, now you’re required to do some practice for online interviewing skills to perform better in the actual interview. You can use various online resources that will help you to practice interview questions over an online interview environment and make you more confident during the actual interview. Apart from the required technical skills, you need to learn about the company insights as well such as its visionproductsreviews, etc. to make a positive impact on the interviewer. Also, you’re recommended to prepare some general online interview questions asked by the companies.

3. Be Punctual

You are strongly recommended to not consider Online Interviews any lesser than In-Person Interviews. You’re required to show up for the call on time or even 10-15 minutes earlier as it may take you some time to log on or do further process. A little tardiness from your side can cost you a lot and you may even lose the opportunity at the moment. Also, early arrival will help you for being comfortable and allow you to focus on the interview. Moreover, you must ensure that you’ve downloaded the required application or software ahead of time and you’re ready to go at the scheduled interview time.

4. Dress Professionally

Although you’re not going to face the interview in-person, still you are required to dress up appropriately as you would for an in-person interview. Most of the candidates commit the same mistake and don’t get dressed properly that sometimes negatively impacts their chances of selection. You can do some research as well on general dress codes for online interviews. Moreover, you’re required to do well with your body language such as posturehand movement, etc. and do remember one thing that the first impression always counts. Also, make proper eye contact with the interviewer as it will let him know that you’re focusing on the interview.

5. Keep Your Resume & Other Documents On Your Desk

Suppose, during an online interview, the interviewer asks you something from your resume or tell you to write down something and you neither have your resume nor pen/paper aside you. Indeed, it would be a huge letdown and you may lose your chances of the further interview process as well. Hence, you need to have a notebook, pen, resume, and other required documents in your sightline during the online interview to avoid any mishaps or inconvenience. Also, you can keep your handy notes along with you as well for reference purposes.

6. Listen Carefully & Speak Clearly

In an Online Interview, you’re required to listen to the interviewer carefully and attentively. Although, if you are unable to get what the interviewer is saying in one go, you can ask for the clarification or can request to repeat it. Also, you are strongly recommended to not interrupt the interviewer when he is talking, instead, let him complete first and then ask or say accordingly. Moreover, during online interviews, your communication skills represent a major part of your entire personality hence you need to speak very clearly & concisely and avoid mumbling or very long pause to make a positive impact.

7. Follow Up After Interview

And yes, don’t forget the Follow-Up process after the online interview. You should thank the interviewer for giving you the opportunity and time. This will help you to build a professional bond with the interviewer that will be beneficial for you for the further interview process. Although you’re required to have patience still you can follow-up at times through email or calls to express your interest & concern towards the job. However, if the interviewer provides you the date for the next round or further process, try to avoid reaching out to him before the scheduled date.

So, these are several tips that you can take into consideration to prepare for Online interviews. Meanwhile, apart from these strategies, all you need to do is feel confident & comfortable in front of the interviewer and give your best in the interview!!

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