How to build an amazing linkedin profile

Looking for some LinkedIn profile tips to help you step up your game, beat out the competition, and land more job offers?You've come to the right place! This 8,000+ word guide dives deep into 15 proven LinkedIn profile tips that will show you exactly how to optimize every aspect of your profile and get the results you want: More profile views, more connections, more opportunities, and more job offers.

Tip #1: Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Updates To Yourself

Before you begin overhauling your LinkedIn profile, there's one critical box you need to make sure you've checked: profile privacy.

You don't want Jane from HR getting suspicious because she saw a LinkedIn notification about the recent profile updates you made.

Fortunately, LinkedIn lets you to pick and choose who is allowed to see the updates you make to your profile. All you need to do go to:

Settings & Privacy > Visibility > Visibility of your LinkedIn activity > Share profile updates with your network > No

Now you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a job generating machine without tipping off anyone at your current company.

Tip #2: Let Recruiters Know You're Open For Business

One of the most frustrating aspects of being a job seeker is pouring hours into your resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile only to get zero responses.

What's the point of putting in all this work if no one's going to see it?

A few years ago, LinkedIn aimed to fix that by rolling out their Open Candidates feature. Open Candidates lets you tell recruiters you're open to new opportunities and it lets you set preferences for the types of roles you want to hear about.

Here are a few of the levers you can pull:

Leave Recruiters A Note: When you turn on Open Candidates, LinkedIn lets you leave recruiters a note (up to 500 characters) so you can provide some context around your situation and what you're looking for next.

Your Status: Are you actively searching, passively looking, or not looking but open to the right offer? LinkedIn lets you choose any of the above so recruiters  have a sense of where you're at in your job search.

Target Roles: LinkedIn also lets you add the job titles you're interested in/considering so recruiters can send you more relevant opportunities.

Location Preferences: Ready to make a move? Don't want to move more than 10 feet from your kitchen table? Open Candidates also lets you tell employers where you want your next role to be. You can choose specific cities and you can also let them know you're interested in remote roles.

Job Types: Finally, Open Candidates lets you tell recruiters what types of roles you're open to. You can choose from Full Time, Part Time, Contract, Internship, Volunteer, or Temporary.

Once you have all of your preferences setup, the last thing you need to do is make sure you've flipped your Open Candidates switch to “On”:

Awesome! Now that we've got the easy stuff out of the way, this is where the fun begins.

Just because you let recruiters know you're looking for opportunities, doesn't mean you can put your LinkedIn profile on cruise control and watch the offers roll in. You're still competing with 500 million other users for that job offer so you need to do everything possible to stand out.

The good news is you're in the right place. The rest of this post is going to walk you through some LinkedIn profile tips that will set you head and shoulders above the competition and help you land more interviews, connect with amazing people, and rapidly accelerate your career.

LinkedIn Profile Tips: Optimizing From Top To Bottom

Now that we've got the basics out of the way, I'm going to show you how to completely optimize your LinkedIn profile to help you rapidly accelerate the results you're looking for.

When I was completely overhauling my profile, I found that it was easiest to start at the top and work my way down. I'm formatting this post to follow that same flow.

We'll begin with the very top of your LinkedIn profile page – the URL – and then we'll work down through your cover photo, profile picture, headline, summary, work experience, skills, recommendations, etc. until we're covered every single aspect of your profile.

Tip #3: Use A Custom LinkedIn Profile URL

When you create your account, LinkedIn generates a random string of numbers to associate with your profile. Instead of “Adam Grant” you're Profile #35467984.

Unless you change it, that random number is what appears in your LinkedIn profile URL like this:

That's not too sexy is it. When you're job searching, your LinkedIn profile url is going to be something you leverage quite a bit.

You're going to include it on your resume (because a recent study showed that resumes with a link to a comprehensive LinkedIn profile have a 71% better chance of hearing back from employers).

You're going to give it to people you connect with, and you're also going to want it to show up when someone Googles your name (your URL plays a role in the SEO of your profile, helping it show up more frequently).

If your profile link is a random string of numbers instead of your name, it's going to look terrible on your resume/cover letter, and it's going to be almost impossible for people to find.

Examples of good and bad linkedin profile urls

How to customize your LinkedIn profile URL

To good news is that LinkedIn allows you to customize your profile URL. You can do that by going to your profile, clicking Edit public profile & URL on the right rail, and then clicking Edit URL.

Ideally, you want to use some combination of your full name. Mine is Austin Belcak so any of these combos would work great:

Now hit save!

Tip #4: Use A High Quality LinkedIn Profile Picture That Shows Some Personality

When someone clicks on your LinkedIn profile, the first thing they look at is your picture.

Not so bad, right? Well get this:

Researchers out of the University of York did a study on how head shots impacted the way a person is perceived. Their results might blow you away:

First, a person only needs a 33 millisecond glance at your picture to form a first impression that includes evaluations of “trustworthiness, status, and attractiveness.”

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