7 Killer Ideas to Boost Team Building at Your Next Meeting

1. Make the Meeting Energizing

Everyday meetings that are scheduled just as often as waking up in the morning can become monotonous. Energize those meetings by taking them outside and hosting them in different places. Have your weekly meeting at a crazy new café or the park. When you change up the scenery, you energize everyone attending.

2. Each Week, Pick a Speaker

Instead of the boss hosting the meeting, choose a person on the team to host that meeting instead. They oversee delivering information, talking to everyone, and breaking out of their timid shell at the same time. It also gives each person a feeling of power and equality.

3. Team-Building Games

Throw in a team-building activity or game in every meeting. They do not have to be elaborate, cost you anything, or take up much time. Just think of something that makes everyone have to work together.

4. Break Up the Barriers

Coworking spaces are better for team-building because employees must work together, collaborate, and almost engage like a community. There are no walls or cubicles separating people. Also, you can change up groups of employees every month, discuss the rotations at your next meeting, create a theme for each team, and ensure each staff member knows each other.

5. Make a Common Interest and Goal List

During your meetings, have everyone share an interest and goal for the month. Write it down on a whiteboard and see how many people end up sharing those aims and interests. Just knowing that people share similar goals and interests in the company can help them bond together.

6. Stop Using Team Building Getaways and Exploit Simple Opportunities to Connect

Team-building camps and picnics are helpful, but they require employees to take time from their days off or venture to a location further from home than work. Instead of hosting specific getaways, look for opportunities locally that take an hour or two out of the day — and possibly could be used for an early out the day at work.
Pick a public space, like a bowling alley. Talk about business, knock some pins, and connect. It is fun, it is local, and you can conduct a meeting, have fun, and establish teamwork with just one hour out of everyone’s day.

7. Keep the Meeting’s Energy Transfusing through The Office

After the meeting and team building are done, keep the energy and momentum you have created. Spread the positive energy in your office space, continue team-building exercises out of meetings, and always encourage collaboration.

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