7 Signs an Interview Went Well

Looking for signs that your job interview went well?

Candidates usually report one of two opposite reactions after walking out of their first job interview. They either feel they did extremely well or, unfortunately, that they failed completely. Then, they spend a few hours (or days) mulling over every small detail of the interview in their minds, reading into what happened. This can turn into something that an old mentor of mine referred to as “R&R: Review and Regret” — not a constructive use of anyone's time.

If your mind is spinning after an interview, take a deep breath.  it takes the majority of candidates three interviews or more to get the job offer. However, the first interview is a big step in the right direction.

It is easy to feel confused as you think through what happened in the job interview. Human communications are inherently messy. Add some interview jitters and you get a recipe for misreading the situation. Did the hiring manager frown because she did not like your answers or because she was not feeling well? You have not heard from your recruiter in over 24 hours — is that a bad sign?

Can you ever get an accurate read of how well you did in that critical first interview?

Interviewing is not a perfect science. It can be difficult to predict the outcome with 100 percent accuracy. However, there are some common trends among the successful job interviews — the ones that ultimately lead to an offer. Read on to see if you can spot one or more signs your interview went well.

Your job interview ran long

Recruiters and hiring managers do not like to waste time. If they feel that you are not the right fit for the position, they may cut the interview short.

Keep in mind that sometimes there is more than one possible explanation for a situation. If your interview ended sooner than you expected, perhaps an urgent issue demanded the hiring manager's attention immediately. Despite best efforts, work emergencies do happen, whether it is a glitch in the payroll system, an urgent update to a board presentation, or a system conversion gone wrong. An interview running longer than expected could be a sign that it went well, but if it doesn't happen for you, it doesn't automatically mean you're out of the running.

The recruiter or hiring manager seemed to enjoy the conversation

Pay attention to the hiring manager's body language and overall demeanor. If they look relaxed, immersed in the flow of the conversation, and focused on you, you have some good signs that the interview is going well.

Try not to read too deeply into the reverse of that experience. If the hiring manager seems distracted, it is possible that they have already made up their mind and are simply going through the motions to check the box. It is also possible that job stress, deadlines, or illness is a factor. Stay professional and do your best to focus on the conversation.

You got some tough or unexpected questions

In past interviews, hiring managers have asked me to solve puzzles, describe myself in three words, do a budget-to-actual analysis across 20+ subsidiaries, and write a mock-up report to an imaginary client. If the hiring manager asks you some technically difficult (or even oddball) interview questions, remember that they are not trying to trick you. The intent is usually to gauge how you approach an unexpected situation. Your response to a tough question can give the interviewer insight into your creativity and ability to deal with pressure — something that your resume, no matter how polished, cannot do as effectively.

If you dislike oddball questions, you are not alone. Handling an unexpected question with poise can be difficult. This little trick may help: Remember that the interviewer probably does not care whether you get the right answer to how many gas stations there are in the United States. Interviewers are looking for insight into your logic and problem-solving patterns.

Here are some strategy points on answering logical or oddball questions in a job interview:

For the record, my track record of getting the perfect answer to oddball questions is 50 percent or less. I got the job offers anyway.

You got the office tour or met other professionals who work there

A routine tour of the office by an internal recruiter carries less meaning than an impromptu one done by a hiring manager as they walk you back to the reception area. If the interviewer or employer took the time to walk you around the office and make a few introductions with team members, chances are they can see you as part of the team. Use this opportunity to make a good impression and get a feel for the company culture and your would-be co-workers.

The interviewer tried to sell you on the company and the position

When the manager goes into detail about the company's benefits, pay, perks, and its great culture, they are trying to sell you on the position. This is a great reminder that while the hiring manager is interviewing you, you are interviewing them as well.

The interviewer asked specific questions about your transition

The hiring process does not end with the job interviews. Depending on your situation, there may be background or medical checks, training, non-compete agreements to consider, and references to check. If the recruiter or the hiring manager wanted to know the details of those, or your available start date, you have some good signs that they are seriously considering your candidacy.

The interviewer or recruiter discussed specific next steps — with timing

A good sign that your job interview went well is if you have the next interview scheduled before you leave the first one! The next best thing is if the manager was specific about expectations and responsibilities.

Did you ace the interview?

As you consider these observations, keep in mind that it serves you best to take the interview process at face value. Regardless of how confident (or not) you feel by the end of the interview, your guess is only a guess until you have an offer in your hand. Continue to prepare, show up, and do your best in every interview.

Finally, remember to observe what you can about the company and the hiring manager, and pay attention to any red flags that may be there. If the hiring manager spoke badly about the person you will be replacing, could not explain the job clearly, or kept checking their phone during the interview, consider what it would be like to work with them. Do not get so caught up in analyzing your performance and whether you had a successful job interview that you lose sight of everything else.

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