Four Ways To Boost Your Google Search Reputation

There is a saying that "people do business with people, not companies," and with the rise of personal branding that has never been more right. Nowadays, people want to know about who owns the companies they are purchasing from and their social proof. We look at their social media accounts and search their name on Google. We want to see what others are saying about them and what media they have been featured in. As a consumer, it is hard to do business with a person or company who you cannot find online. Having an extensive background in search engine optimization I have been testing and studying what works for years. Here are four ways to boost your name to the top of Google Search.

1. Get featured in news articles that have high domain authority.

 If you don't have a budget to hire a PR or media company to help with features go to and sign up. They will send you emails daily about journalists looking for experts for quotes. Drill it down to the specific publications you want to be in so you are not spending all day sending in pitches and give quality and short answers so they want to come back and ask more. Another media opportunity is searching for up-and-coming awards. These can make a great media asset as you can put them on your website to show that you received them.

2. Contribute to credible publications. 

Start writing about topics you have the expertise in and tell the world more about you. Sites like Medium or Thrive Global rank very well in Google and will oftentimes come up first, allowing you to control the narrative of the article. You can even repurpose these articles and use them on your own website or social media accounts. 

3. Write articles for your LinkedIn page. 

LinkedIn articles rank very well in searches and many people do not utilize LinkedIn for all that it can do. One of those is the ability to write long-form articles, add in keywords and backlinks. Not only are you getting exposure on broader online searches but also on LinkedIn. Share the article with your connections to get more people to share with their networks, giving you even more visibility. 

4. Launch a website with your name on it. 

If you have not purchased your name as the URL, go get it right now. Create a simple landing page site with some of your information and add in a blog section. Highlight your awards and accomplishments, add in a media list and show testimonials others are saying about you personally and in business.

One of the most important steps to building your credibility is to boost your reputation when searching your name on Google. This can help potential clients who want to work with you feel more confident that you are who you say you are and can provide the services being requested. Also, it creates trust and a bond before you even speak with the person or get to know them.

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