The 5 fundamental keys to developing your personal brand on and off the internet

Personal branding is one of the main reasons why professionals manage to obtain better employment and development opportunities in today's market; That is why you should think about how to increase it both within the internet and outside it.

Let's start by defining what we call “ personal brand ”. Jeff Bezos , the founder of Amazon , says it is "what other people know and say about you, when you are not present." We can add that it is the DNA and your fingerprint, which allows that through who you are as a person and what you do in your daily activity, others have a greater knowledge, and thus you conquer a space on their attention radar. This will lead to better professional opportunities, proposals, projects and an expansion of your skills and talents.

Because if we know anything, it's that those skills you have can be the best; However, if no one knows and recognizes your work, it is almost impossible for you to find better opportunities.And this has nothing to do with your profession in itself, since you can be the best broadcaster, the best lawyer, the best writer, the best hairdresser, the best teacher or the most skilled doctor, however, if you do not even share networking , or delivering content in talks and conferences, or giving an interview in the media, or posting valuable topics on social media, you are likely to be part of a large number of unknown professionals.

5 tips to develop your Personal Brand on and off the Internet

Not everything happens through the image, but through the essence and your differentials of who you are, and how what you do is put in value before the people to whom you want to direct your message.

These five tips can help you:

1. Always train in your professional field

Training on your basic skills will not only make you better as a professional, but will allow you to continue polishing new aspects of what you already know how to do.

Although this tip does not refer only to technical training, since you also need to train in skills related to the development of your personal brand, for example, take public speaking, NLP, writing, assertive communication, marketing and advertising courses. Doing so will allow you to raise your standards and soft skills to reach new personal and professional levels.

2. Create an offline event calendar

Carrying out both face-to-face and virtual events requires a prior organization of the topics and resources that you will need to carry it out. That is why I recommend that you take some time to be able to correctly plan what your next face-to-face events are going to be and which dynamics are the most effective for when you have to interact with an audience without screens.

In-person events are an excellent way to develop your skills as a professional and to make your ideas, opinions, experiences and information known. That is doing personal branding offline.

Related to this aspect, I recommend you participate in fairs, exhibitions, presentations, and even start your path as a speaker by offering yourself as a speaker at conferences in your professional sector. This will position you in a place of reference and gradually they will get to know you more.

3. Start your own podcast

Another great alternative to continue developing your personal brand and contributing beyond your YouTube channel (if you already have one; if you don't, it's time to start it) or your face-to-face events, is to be able to follow the conversation and development your ideas through a more entertaining format, such as podcasts and audio-only interviews. You can also explore the Club House-style audio-only apps that are making a big splash.

The podcast is currently a very popular format for its convenience and practicality, since we can listen to it at any time and follow specific topics. What's more: you can record on video while you register the material to upload it to the big podcast platforms, and then upload it to your YouTube channel, adding other content of value for your audience.

4. Create pieces of value for your social networks

If your strength is physical presentations, live, do not neglect your personal brand on social networks either. Although this topic is much more developed in my book " Personal brand: When the product is you ", what I want to recommend here is that high value content about what you already know how to do is what will really make the difference, between your competition and what you have to contribute to your followers.

Define well which social networks you want to be on; prepare a content calendar around your specialty topics; and have a conversation with the community that you will build. You can also feed that feedback with live broadcasts (“ lives ”) that will allow you to be even closer to people.

Your personal brand will have more possibilities to develop in the internet world to the extent that you can create strategies based on delivering useful, quality and constant information. Do it.

5. Take your offline followers to the online world and vice versa

In fact, the previous point is closely related to this advice. If you are able to take the people who follow you on social networks to your offline events and do the same with the people who follow you from the offline world so that they can see you live on social networks, that is when you will have excellent opportunities to continue developing and building your reputation in both worlds.

Both social networks and the actions you take in person are two pillars of your strategy as a personal brand. However, you also have to remember that humility, service to others, empathy, and assertive communication are essential for others to follow and learn from you.

Borja Vilaseca, Spanish lecturer, disseminator and author, assures that “ personal brand is the new university diploma of this century ”. We may or may not agree with this statement, although what does seem like a fact is that without your brand you will not achieve enough recognition to reach new levels in your current profession. It is a necessity of this time to develop it every day.

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